what is breastfeeding like for youPin

Many expectant and new moms wonder about what breastfeeding will be like. Is it going to work for me? Will I have enough milk? Will it hurt? You can read about how to deal with many of these different breastfeeding problems here.

So what is breastfeeding like for you?

Share your experience and learn about others’ situations. Do you have more than one kid? Cast one vote for each of your children. And please share your experiences by leaving a comment below. :-)

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Henri

    Easier than expected? I am seriously surprised with those answers!
    Few of my friends had some real issues. For me it also was a struggle for the first few days. I was a little scared that I’d fail. I really did not feel prepared to. Not even after my childbirth classes! I just felt like I needed more research to be a good mum, to be sure. I found few ebooks, but this one I’ve found particularly helpful: https://www.parental-love.com/shop/how-to-make-breastfeeding-pleasant-and-easy-pdf I’ve read it calmly. And than – read it again after being back home from hospital. I knew everything that may can happen, and how to react. What is normal and what is not? You really can learn it upfront but you also need some practice. It’s not only about the instinct i suppose. First few days are really stressful. But maybe you do remember only the good times later on and vote for „easier than expected”…

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