breastfeeding position videosPinWho needs breastfeeding position videos..? Well, I know would have helped me if I had been smart enough to look for them!

With my first baby, I simply couldn’t make it work to breastfeed lying on my side. So I sat up for 10 months while breastfeeding at night.

Second time, I asked. It wasn’t difficult, I had just kept my baby too high up, which caused my back to hurt. So with our second baby, I more or less slept while breastfeeding at night. And I was certainly a happier mom!

Why is the Breastfeeding Position Important?

It is not only when lying down to breastfeed that the position matters. The way you hold your baby can affect the latch on, how much air your baby will swallow, as well as your back, neck muscles and arms.

There is also research that indicates that a poor breastfeeding position tends to lead to a shorter length of full breastfeeding and possibly also weaker attachment. (No wonder – it can be both very frustrating and very painful to not get the baby’s latch and the breastfeeding position right.)

So getting the breastfeeding position right is key! And if your baby tends to have acid reflux, the breastfeeding position is even more important. For such a reflux situation, check out the tips in this article.

In this post, I have collected a number of breastfeeding position videos that I think may provide tips and help.

But if you are sitting there and breastfeeding simply isn’t working, get off your couch and call a lactation consultant immediately. (And then watch the video clips…)

Remember that with the right support, most new moms can breastfeed.

Good luck, I hope you find the videos helpful.

Helpful Breastfeeding Position Videos

Which Breastfeeding Position is Best?

How to breastfeed: breastfeeding positions

Improving Latch By Improving Positioning: Introduction and Laid Back Breastfeeding (Part 1 of 7)

Improving Latch By Improving Positioning: Cross Cradle (Part 2 of 7)

Improving Latch By Improving Positioning: Cradle Position (Part 3 of 7)

Improving Latch By Improving Positioning: Clutch/Football Hold (Part 4 of 7)

Improving Latch By Improving Positioning: Koala Position (Part 5 of 7)

Improving Latch By Improving Positioning: Side Lying (Part 6 of 7)

Improving Latch By Improving Positioning: Troubleshooting (Part 7 of 7)

So did you learn anything? And what is your easiest and most challenging breastfeeding position? Let us know below! And good luck with your breastfeeding!

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