
Thanks a lot for reaching out! I’d love to hear from you. Feel free to contact me with any questions, comments or needs for clarifications. If you want to cooperate somehow, I’d love to hear from you too!

If you want to discuss something regarding your baby, please visit my  my Facebook page. On Facebook, ask by making a post and remember to follow the page to make sure you receive notifications on answers and comments! :-)

I look forward to hearing from you!

Paula – owner of EasyBabyLife

P.S I try to answer any emails asap but bear with me if it takes a day or two – I receive quite a lot of emails. I live in Sweden, so there might also be a time difference between us to consider.

How can I help?

You can also contact Paula through regular mail. You can reach here at the following address:

Paula Dennholt

Open Hands Media AB

Lindhagensgatan 136

SE-11215 Stockholm
