What can you give a newborn baby for constipation?
Well, with a newborn baby, there are certain things to consider before jumping to constipation remedies. The remedy options are also more limited than with slightly older babies.
Mom’s Question:
What can I give my newborn baby for constipation? She is only two weeks old. Is there anything particular to consider for a newborn baby with bowel movement issues?
Worried new mom
Remedies For Constipation In Newborn Baby
First, Rule Out Illness and Dehydration
When a newborn (or two weeks old) baby has bowel movement issues, the first thing to do is to talk to the baby’s doctor. When being so young, a pediatrician should examine the baby to rule out any illness or that the baby isn’t eating enough, hence causing dehydration. Is she wetting 6-8 diapers per day and peeing as expected for a newborn baby?
You can read here about some medical reasons why a newborn baby may have difficulties pooping.
I am not suggesting that your baby has medical problems; I am just providing information that you can discuss with your baby’s doctor if anything sounds familiar.
How to Know if Your Newborn Baby IS Actually Constipated
Is your baby breastfed or bottle-fed? How long has it been since she passed stools? How do you know that she is constipated?
If the poop that does come out is soft, she may not be constipated but rather have normal newborn problems with passing stools. This is very common and not actually a case of concern.
That said, being only two weeks old, she “should” pass stools several times per day, especially if she is breastfed. At around 2 months, most babies start pooping less often, maybe once a day.
Remedies for a Formula-fed, Constipated Newborn Baby
Formula-fed babies often become constipated.
Switching to another brand or type of formula, offering a little bit of boiled water between bottles, and making sure to use the correct amount of formula powder are often efficient ways to prevent constipation. Fruit juice and similar are not recommended for babies younger than 1 month.
Find symptoms of baby constipation here, as well as more tips on how to help your baby.
But again, since your baby is so young, and especially if it has been a few days since she pooped, I’d advise you to contact her doctor to make sure she is healthy.
And if you want to, please provide some more information by using the comment form below, and I’ll try to help you some more.
Read Next
- My 1-Month-Old Baby is Constipated: Reasons and Remedies
- Can I Offer Vegetables to Newborn Baby? My Baby is Not Full on Formula!
- When Pooping is Difficult For Preemies: 5 Important Reasons
- Moretti E, Rakza T, Mestdagh B, Labreuche J, Turck D. The bowel movement characteristics of exclusively breastfed and exclusively formula fed infants differ during the first three months of life. Acta Paediatr. 2019 May;108(5):877-881. doi: 10.1111/apa.14620. Epub 2018 Nov 7. PMID: 30402945.
- American Academy of Pediatrics: How can I tell if my baby is constipated?
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Paula Dennholt founded Easy Baby Life in 2006 and has been a passionate parenting and pregnancy writer since then. Her parenting approach and writing are based on studies in cognitive-behavioral models and therapy for children and her experience as a mother and stepmother. Life as a parent has convinced her of how crucial it is to put relationships before rules. She strongly believes in positive parenting and a science-based approach.
Paula cooperates with a team of pediatricians who assist in reviewing and writing articles.
My 27 days baby is constipated she finds it so difficult to poo and she cries. What can I give her plz help?
my 2 week old baby takes formula he refuse the breast is poop was soft now he has not poop in 2days , his formula was change one day ago and he passes alot of gas
My son went through the same thing. My doctor recommended something sold without a prescription but over the counter at a pharmacy called Kondramil (sp?). It helped.