Is your newborn baby not peeing? Read this before worrying!

Many parents wonder, “ How often should a newborn pee?”. Maybe your newborn baby is pooping but not peeing. Or just seems to be peeing very little. Or the color is odd. It can all be normal. We go through newborn baby urination frequency and colors in detail in this article.

how often should a newborn peePin

With a newborn baby, everything is – well – new, and there are so many things to worry and wonder about that we couldn’t even imagine before having the baby. One thing that you probably didn’t expect to think about is the peeing habits of newborn babies.

How often a newborn baby can be expected to pee actually changes rapidly during their first week of living. And so does the expected color of the pee!

Here is what to expect on your baby’s urine frequency and color during the first week of living:

Urination in Newborn Babies

How Often Should a Newborn Pee During The First Few Days After Being Born

A newborn baby doesn’t eat or drink much at all. During the first couple of days outside the womb, a baby will start drinking only very small amounts of breast milk or formula and hence will not need to pee very much either.

  • During your baby’s first 24 hours, it may very well be that your baby only urinates once.
  • On day 2, you can probably expect 2 wet (but not very heavy) diapers. (If this means that your baby actually only peed twice or peed many times but only enough to wet two diapers, is impossible to know because a baby has no bladder control and may pee in very tiny amounts often.)
  • On day 3 – 3 diapers.
  • On day 4 – 4 wet diapers.

Newborn Pee Habits From Day 5 And On

By the second week of life, your newborn baby has settled into a pattern of feeding, pooping, and peeing. You can expect at least 6 to 8 diaper changes or more.

A newborn baby’s bladder can only hold 15ml of urine, so this may empty as frequently as every 1 to 3 hours, which indicates a healthy bladder.

Furthermore, it is normal for the weather to influence the baby’s urine output: colder weather elicits increased urine frequency, while warmer weather causes the opposite.

Breastfed babies may also start pooping very frequently – even as often as after every feeding or more.

You can learn more about peeing frequency in older babies here.

Newborn Baby Urine Color

The color of your newborn baby’s urine can vary. This can go from colorless or light yellow to dark yellow to pink to orange. Breastfeeding, food dyes, vitamins, herbs, and certain food can change the color of the baby’s urine (through breastfeeding).

Dark yellow urine during the first few days indicates concentrated urine, but this is also normal when you find this now and then. However, if this persists, you should call your doctor right away.

Additionally, during the first few days of life, you may notice a red-pink-orange-colored stain in your baby’s diaper, which may seem odd. This is an indication of highly concentrated urine, which consists of urate crystals, a byproduct of bilirubin, and is completely normal. It can even be that you can see actual crystals or something resembling power, which is comprised of the crystals. It can even be that you can see actual crystals or something resembling powder comprised of the crystals. This is, again, normal and usually goes away by the 5th or 6th day.

The intensity of the color is likely to level off quickly. If red-orange on the first day, the urine should be slightly more pale orange on day 2. The color will then continue to shift towards normal pale yellow urine color by day 5.

Urate Crystals In Newborn Diaper gives orange pee colorPin
Urate Crystals In Newborn Diaper (Image by Standford School Of Medicine)


Sometimes, you may find a little bloodstain in their diapers. This can happen in both male and female newborn babies. For female neonates, this can be due to pseudo-menstruation.

Pseudomenstruation means false menstruation. This happens because there is a drop in maternal estrogen hormones, to which the baby is exposed while in the womb. Estrogen plays a significant role in milk production and the uterus’s development. This commonly occurs at 2-10 days of life and lasts no more than 3 to 4 days.

On the other hand, bloodstains can also be seen in male newborn babies who were circumcised. Neonatal circumcision is an optional surgical procedure that is common in some cultures. Neonatal circumcision is usually performed at 24-72 hours of life or less than 10 days old.

Red Flags Regarding Newborn Peeing Frequency or Color

When there is an abnormality in a baby’s urination or urinary system, the first and foremost presentation is that of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Hence, when a newborn baby manifests these signs and symptoms, it is best to call your doctor immediately:

  • fever
  • irritability or crying incessantly (may indicate abdominal discomfort or pain)
  • not feeding
  • diarrhea
  • vomiting
  • increased urine output and frequency
  • cloudy, dark, bloody, or foul-smelling urine

You should also watch out for any signs of dehydration. The signs of dehydration include:

  • sunken eyeballs
  • sunken fontanels
  • dry mouth or eyes (when crying)
  • poor skin turgor
  • abnormally drowsy

Common Questions about Newborn Peeing Habits

My newborn is not peeing – should I worry?

You should take into consideration his intake for the day. Has it increased or decreased? Are there any accompanying signs and symptoms that indicate anything that is out of the ordinary? If not, then maybe your baby has peed already, and due to the nature of the diapers as their being super absorbent, you may not have noticed it. You can try putting a tissue on the diaper to see if it can absorb any wetness. Or you can check the gel material in the diaper for moisture by taking it apart.

My newborn is pooping but not peeing?

During the first weeks of life – after the very first days – your baby can have 5 to 10 bowel movements daily, and pee 6 to 8 times. It is not always easy to notice if a newborn has peed since the poop is often loose. In most cases, the baby has actually peed, if healthy.

However, if your baby appears to be ill and, for example, has diarrhea and does not produce any urine output, this indicates dehydration, and the baby should be brought immediately to the hospital.

Can a newborn pee too much?

Peeing too much can indicate a urinary tract infection. But then again, you should keep track of your baby’s intake during the day. You should call your doctor if he exhibits any other signs and symptoms besides peeing too much. Always investigate accompanying signs and symptoms when you see a red flag.

My newborn is peeing but not pooping?

Is your baby breastfed exclusively? If he is, chances are, everything in the breastmilk that he ingested is absorbed; hence, no poop. If he is not fussy or irritable, his appetite is the same, and his energy is the same, then there is nothing to worry about.

A formula-fed baby, however, can be constipated. Read about signs of constipation here.

My newborn is crying when peeing?

This may indicate discomfort or pain while peeing. They can feel pressure in the hypogastric area as their bladder stretches and contracts. This is completely normal. However, if the crying doesn’t stop after relieving himself, it may indicate another problem.

You should seek to consult immediately if your baby does not stop crying or seems abnormally irritable.

Read Next about Baby Peeing Habits

More about Newborn Babies

Research References


Apr 22, 2016 Newborn Wet Diapers
by: Hawkins
During the first week of life, the number of days old a newborn is that is how many wet diapers they should have. The first day of life, one wet diaper. The second day, 2 wet diapers. They, of course, can have more than that, but they need to make that minimum. After the newborn is a week old they should have 6-8 wet diapers a day. Again, they can have more than that but they need to make that minimum. If not, follow up with your PCM.

Sep 19, 2016 My newborn pees over 10 times a day
by: Anonymous
my newborn is 10 days old and he pees around 10-12 times a day. Is that normal, should I worry. he pops around 6times. I go trough around 15-18 diapers a day. I am just worried if it isn’t too often.

Sep 20, 2016 10 times is normal…
by: Paula
I think 10-12 times and pooping 6 times per day seems completely normal for a newborn, especially if your baby is breastfed. Breastfed babies tend to poop more often in the beginning and then less often when they are a few months old.Hope this helps,Paula

Sep 20, 2016 10 times a day
by: Anonymous
Thank you it is helpful, it is our first baby and we just got worried a little that something might be not right. Thank you again

May 04, 2017 My baby won’t pee
by: JocelinI have a 7-month-old who hasn’t peed in 2 days. He just came out of stomach flu. Is that normal?

May 04, 2017 To Jocelinby: Paula

Hi Jocelin,

Even if your baby has had the flu, not peeing for two days is a concern. Do you notice any other signs of dehydration, such as dry eyes or mouth, lethargic or dizzy?

I think you should actually take your baby to the emergency room immediately. Not peeing for two days is a long time and babies can get dehydrated quite easily.

Also start spoon feeding him with electrolyte liquids, such as Pedialyte, Infalyte, and ReVital. Two teaspoons every five minutes if there is any risk at all that he will throw up if he drinks more than that. If he doesn’t throw up, increase the intake of liquid. And of course, offer him your breast as much as possible if you breastfeed.

If you don’t have any electrolyte liquid at home, you can make your own by mixing:

– Half (1/2) teaspoon of Salt
– Six (6) teaspoons of Sugar
– One Litre (4.3 cups) of clean drinking or boiled water and then cooled

Prepare by simply stirring the mixture until the salt and sugar dissolve.

I don’t mean to scare you, but 2 days without urination is enough to get a doctor to examine your baby as soon as possible.

Hope this helps,


Jan 12, 2018 My 2.5 months baby pees in orangeby: Mia Lee

1. My 2.5 months baby pees in pale orange for last 5 days, before, she peed in pale yellow. Does it mean she lack of water?
She is 100% breastfed.
2. Is it normal if she poops 4 to 5 days once (even 6 days)? It has been this way for 1.5 months. She is still happy, plays and pees about 8-10 times a day.

Thanks very much for your reply.
Mia Lee

Jan 13, 2018 Changed your diet?

by: Paula (Easy Baby Life)

Hi Mia,

Have you changed your diet at all, like started with a new herbal tea or medication? That could be a reason for your baby’s urine color. Other possibilities are that she does need more liquid (breast milk, not water) or that she has a urinary tract infection. I think you should consult a doctor to be safe.

Regarding her poop habits – not a concern since she is fully breastfed. Is she growing and increasing in weight? Then you don’t need to worry about her infrequent bowel movements. But talk to the doctors about the urine color.



Jan 13, 2018 Re: Changed your diet

by: Mia Lee

Dear Paula,

Yes, I started to drink black tea with milk recently and sometimes coke/milk coffee.
I know they are not good for my baby and I have limited myself to drink only 1 black tea with milk once a day. For soft drinks, I drink about 1 can in 2-3 days.
Should I stop?

My baby urine color is not as orange as the picture above thou, much lighter.
I’m trying to drink lots of water, besides, would this help?

One other thing, those poops and pee things started to smell since she passed her first month. Is this also normal?
(Sorry if my English sounds weird to you..)

Thanks, much and regards,
Mia Lee

Jan 13, 2018 Not to worry about a cup of tea :-)

by: Paula (Easy Baby Life)


The reason I asked about diet changes is that theoretically you could be eating/drinking something that could be affecting the color of your baby’s urine. It is not the most likely reason, though.

One cup of tea or coffee per day is not going to harm your baby. They do contain caffeine, so a sensitive baby could find it a bit more hard to settle, but that is about it.

If your baby’s pee has a funny smell, then a urinary tract infection is definitely a possibility. In such a case, antibiotics are necessary, so go visit a doctor.

Best, Paula


by: bby#2

Hi there my baby is 3w old and just yesterday he poped only 1 time but his wet diaper aisgetting a lot heavy today he hasnt poped at all and has had at least 5-6wet diapera is this normal should i be concerned or call Dr. He is feed breast milk & formala eats every 3-4hr anywhere from 2oz/4half oz

Any advice is highly appreciated

Feb 15, 2018 3 week old – wait

by: Paula (Easy Baby Life)


If your baby wets his diapers, it is quite likely that the slow down in pooping is actually due to maturing of his intestines. (Unless you suddenly changed formula or increased the share of formula, then it can be constipation.) At around 1 month old many babies start pooping less often. So don’t worry too much. Wait him out at least until tomorrow. You can read more about what is normal regarding baby poop at signs of constipation here.


Apr 16, 2018 10 week old not peeing at night

by: Gayatri

My 10 week old is healthy and breastfed. She pees normally during day time, but does not pee at night, which is for may be 6 h or so. Is that normal?

Apr 16, 2018 How much does your baby eat?

by: Paula (Easy Baby Life)

Hi Gayatri,

The general rule of thumb is that 6 hours is OK, but not more. But there can certainly be variations. Does your baby sleep through the night? The less your baby eats at night, the less she is also likely to urinate at night.

It may also be that she pees, but just very little. If you are curious, you can actaully weigh a diaper before you put it on in the evening and then again when you take if off and see if there is any difference in weight.

If your daughter is healthy, eating and wetting 6-8 diapers per day, she is likely to be fine – and who knows, maybe she will be ready for potty training early…

If she seems at all unhealthy, make sure you check with her doctor.


Oct 30, 2018 peeing and electrolites

by: Anonymous

I would not do the electrolite mix w/o a doctor; my mom died of electrolite imbalance. It is not something to guess at or mess with.

Nov 01, 2018 Yes doctor

by: Paula (Baby Helpline)

Yes I agree to talk to a doctor, but just water can actually be worse than electrolyte water, since, in the right amounts electrolyte water will not dilute the cells on salt, which plain water can do. But it should be the solutions provided in a pharmacy, not just any electrolyte replacement drinks found in a store – they can certainly lead to too much salt instead of too little (and too much sugar too!) So thank for the heads up to make that clarification!

But certainly to talk to a doctor if the child refuses to drink anything but water for a long time.



Nov 11, 2018 7 week old urinating over 17 times a day

by: NewMommy

My 7 week old baby is urinating at least 17 times a day. It’s too a point where I’ll change her and not even 5 minutes later she’s wet again. Is this normal?

Mar 15, 2019 baby not pee last 9 HOUR

by: lal


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This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Amena

    Hi my baby is of 6 days he is pooped nearly 10 times today but doesn’t pee single time

  2. Yashoda

    My 11 day old baby girl not peeing, her last peed was yesterday near about 20 hours before please help

  3. Karlo Neri


    Great site and amazing job Paula.
    I have a son 4 month and one week old. For the last month he wets three diapers only. Before that he used to wet 8 to nine or maybe more. He seems happy though. Should I worry. He is gaining weight very well and has a lot of saliva because is teething.
    Also he started to poo every 4 to five days but he does a lot of poo this like a toothpaste. He is exclusively breastfed.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

  4. Divya Sharma Reddy

    Hi, my 6.5 month old has been peeing very less for about a week now! It’s summer here and very hot, he does sweat lot! He is ebf as of now…. he would usually have about 4-5 full diapers everyday, he now has 3-4 half diapers…. he is pooping regularly though…. should I be worried?

  5. Puja

    My baby is 3 days old now…she had pee on first day once (within 24 hrs) but after that she had not pee.
    But, she keeps pooping after every 4-5 hrs during these days.
    Is it normal or should I consult doctor?
    She had been breast feeded with sometimes bottled milk.

    1. Paula @ EasyBabyLife

      Hi Puja,
      Most likely, your baby poops when she urinates, or she pees in such tiny amounths that you don’t notice. At 3 days, what she eats is still such small amounts. Neverthless, you might want to check with her health care provider. For such young babies, checking one extra time is always wise in my opinion.

      Most likely, she will starting wetting her diapers much more frequently within a few days.

      Good luck and congratulations on your little daughter!

      1. Puja

        Hi Paula,
        Thanks.I would wait for 1-2 days and then consult.

  6. Adrienne

    my daughter is 12 months old. Over the last couple of weeks my husband and I have noticed that her diaper needs changing every hour and are as heavy as when she has had a diaper unchanged all night. I am having to change her diaper at night several times if i don’t the will begin to leak. I am starting to get a little nervous, she seems rather thirsty and has started coughing really bad.

  7. roxana

    new baby, 3 days old, has had wet 2 diapers and 4 poops in day 1, then 1 wet diaper in day 2 and nithing today. 100% breastfeeding, with meals even at 1h30 apparte (she is a a high demander). IS this normal? Hospital stuff keeps telling me that this is normal, but i don’t know…

    1. Paula @ EasyBabyLife

      Hi Roxana, you posted this yesterday – how about now? If I were you, I’d actually either weigh one her diapers before putting it on and then again after a few hours – newborns can pee in very small amounts and still be ok – or cut one of the diapers after use and see if the gel and crystals inside seem to have absorbed any urine. Most likely they have.

      The hospital is probably right, and even if your daughter feeds often (completely normal and very good!), she only eats very small amounts in the beginning. Still, watch her! If she continues to not pee at all today too, take her back for evaluation. One shouldn’t take chances with such a young little lady.

      Good luck, and keep us posted if you want,

  8. Neha

    Hey my baby is 9 months old n during night times she pees 4 times in 2 hours. Is this normal.

  9. Hanno

    My baby is 3months old and did not pee for 2 days is this normal?

    1. Paula @ EasyBabyLife


      No pee at all for two days is way too long. But during the first few days, babies tend to urinate in very small amounts that can be easy to miss. But if your baby is more than just a couple of days old, he or she should definitely be wetting several diapers per day. If not, have your child examined by a doctor immediately.

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