We received a birth story from the 1960s. A woman tells us how it was to give birth at that time. To quote her: Not that I remember it all. General anesthesia knocked many of us out then.

Read her story here.

give birth in 1960sPin

I was given an enema and it seemed I was on the toilet forever. I could hear the woman in the adjoining labor room yelling “Aiii yiii yiii!” That didn’t help my nervousness.

I am so happy that Constance decided to share her birth story from the 1960s. It gives some perspective compared to what we are all experiencing today. Read her birth story here!

xo, Paula @EasyBabyLife

My Birth Story From the 1960s: I Think It’s Better Now!

Back in the 1960s, when I was pregnant with my only child, women in labor were “knocked out” with general anesthesia. I was still scared, not only of the birth but of being responsible for a tiny life. I had NO experience in caring for babies (thank goodness for Dr. Spock!)

I lived a block from the hospital, so when I went into labor around 3 AM, my husband and I walked to the hospital around 6 AM. I remember thinking that this was the first time in my life that I had gotten into something I couldn’t get out of. This baby was going to come!

Preparation at the Hospital

I was given an enema, and it seemed I was on the toilet forever. I could hear the woman in the adjoining labor room yelling, “Aiii yiii yiii!” That didn’t help my nervousness.

After prepping me (back then, they shaved the pubic hair), they decided to break my water to hurry the labor along. That hurt! It was my first big contraction.

General Anesthesia – Not Remembering Much

As I said, I was given general anesthesia. Quite frankly, I remembered nothing else except someone telling me to push… until I was in the elevator going to my room.

I woke up, and a nurse told me I had a baby girl. Since I didn’t really remember it, I thought she was kidding me. She told me to feel my belly. I did, and it was flat.

I managed to stay in the hospital for five days. My husband had good insurance, and I was not anxious to be left alone at home with this baby. Somehow my daughter survived my inexperience and lack of knowledge in caring for an infant, and today is a grownup woman with her own children.

I do think that birth today is better with an epidural. The baby’s respiratory system is not compromised as it was with general anesthesia. And to you ladies who are doing natural childbirth: My hat is off to you. I would never have had the courage.

by Constance

More On Giving Birth Some Decades Ago

Or head over to our main Birth Stories Section to read about other types of birthing experiences.

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