8 Ways to Induce Labor Naturally: Science-Based and Folklore
Learn 8 ways of inducing labor naturally. Read about scientifically proven, unproven and mom proven ways to get childbirth started.
Here, you’ll find tons of tips and facts about pregnancy and birth. You’ll find info and diaries week-by-week, miscarriage stats, info on what all this weight gain really comprises of, what’s the point with morning sickness, how to push during labor, and a lot more!
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Learn 8 ways of inducing labor naturally. Read about scientifically proven, unproven and mom proven ways to get childbirth started.
I share my crazy birth story with doctors saying different thing over and over again and I finally had a c-section because my baby was too big!
Back labor, too quick, premature... Read about how this mom's three different births were - simply very different! And the 4th baby on the way!
Find a breakdown of your weight gain during pregnancy in baby, uterus, body fat et cetera. Also how to mitigate excessive weight gain.
My baby came some so quickly that I didn't have time for the epidural. But it was actually ok. I am happy that I had a quick labor! Here's my birth story.
Refreshing non-alcoholic drinks! Perfect for new moms or moms-to-be. Try Mommy Mojito, Punch for Lunch, Strawberry & Icecream Dream and more mocktails!!
What are the alternatives to the flat-on-your-back birth position? Learn here how to best position yourself throughout the stages of labor and childbirth.
Research indicates 3 strong benefits of morning sickness (pregnancy nausea). Lower risk of miscarriage, higher IQ of baby and healthier baby and mom. Neat!
This poll shows early pregnancy symptoms experienced by other moms. How about you? Morning sickness, implantation bleeding, tired or your period overdue?
My birth story with induced labor and pain relief. All finally went well, but took a very long time! My baby sure was in no hurry to be born!
Breastfeeding makes your hair dry and dull. Is it safe to carry out hair treatments, like coloring, relaxation or bleach? How about during pregnancy? Learn here!
My 1st pregnancy ended up with an emergency c-section with twins, and I was in deep trauma. Not sure I dare to get pregnant again. This is my birth story