35 Weeks Pregnant – Baby Is Ready To Breathe!
35 weeks pregnant, your baby's lungs are now almost completely developed along with his or hers kidneys, liver and other organs. Find info and videos here.
Here, you’ll find tons of tips and facts about pregnancy and birth. You’ll find info and diaries week-by-week, miscarriage stats, info on what all this weight gain really comprises of, what’s the point with morning sickness, how to push during labor, and a lot more!
Do a quick search here:
35 weeks pregnant, your baby's lungs are now almost completely developed along with his or hers kidneys, liver and other organs. Find info and videos here.
A baby born this week is less likely to have problems nursing. Read about fetal development, pregnancy symptoms and a pregnancy diary when 36 weeks pregnant.
While I was pregnant with my first, I obsessively researched everything I possibly could. I still almost gave birth in week 32 and had a very fast first labor.
37 weeks pregnant! By the end of this week, your baby may be engaging. Learn all about baby development, your belly, pregnancy symptoms, and prepping for birth!
During my pregnancy, I gained over 70lbs and worked until I gave birth. Little did I know how sick I was. I gave birth with preeclampsia. Here's my story.
Giving birth in water is quite popular. But how safe is it? Here's what studies conclude on water birth safety.
This week your baby may be engaging, which means becoming fixed head down to prepare for being born. Here's all about mom and baby at pregnancy week 38.
When 39 weeks pregnant, your baby is full term. Read all about fetal development, baby looks, belly size, and labor signs!
I was the talk of the hospital apparently. It was an absolutely amazing first time labor experience and I can't believe I've done it.
40 weeks pregnant, you may be impatient or worried or probably both. Learn about baby development , mom's body, tips and tricks and a video gallery.
This is my birth story about how my water broke at night with a POP. Something that "never happens" according to my prenatal class teacher. Well, it can happen!
My emergency C-section birth story... My little son actually saved my life! Without him being stubborn, I could have bled to death.