Here you’ll find all articles about sick babies and how to help them.

The posts include what to do when your baby has a cold, is running a fever, or seems to have a stomach bug. You’ll find posts about babies with eye infections, mucus, seizures, a bad cough, and many more issues.

Sometimes it is difficult to know if a baby really is ill or not. Here are some signs that your baby is sick. This is not a complete list, and since you know your child the best, following your intuition regarding changes in your baby’s health is important.

Some signs that your infant is ill:
– Fever equal to or greater than 100.4F (38 C) by rectum. If your baby is less than 6 weeks old with a fever of 100.4F (38 C) or higher, call the doctor immediately.
– Vomiting (not just spitting up) more than one feeding in a day and your baby doesn’t usually do this (for example from acid reflux).
– Diarrhea or loose watery stools that are more frequent than usual.
– Refusal to eat for more than one feeding, gets unusually tired while suckling or falling asleep in the middle of successive feedings.
– Lethargy or listlessness, i.e. sudden and prolonged decrease in activity level.
– Unusual skin rash.
– Fast breathing (over 70 times per minute) or difficulty breathing. Fast breathing can mean a high fever so check your baby’s temperature.
– Convulsions.
– Persistent irritability.

All Articles About The Sick Baby