In today’s crowded process plants, less than ideal straight pipe runs often result in swirling fluid flows and asymmetrical velocity profile distortions that affect the efficient, continuous operation of equipment, such as gas compressors, valves and pumps, and the accuracy of sensitive instruments, such as flow meters. The Vortab Company (San Marcos, CA) reveals that this can be controlled – if not entirely eliminated – with the family of Vortab Flow Conditioners.
There are several types of critical equipment, including gas compressors, pumps, valves and flow instrumentation, which require relatively long lengths of pipe straight-run for high efficiency operation. It can take up to 40 pipe diameters of unobstructed straight pipe run to eliminate both swirl and velocity profile distortions. Vortab flow and process conditioners isolate such flow disturbances and create a swirl-free, symmetrical, and repeatable velocity flow profile in just a few pipe diameters to keep equipment running efficiently.
The Vortab Company’s product line of inline and insertion type flow conditioners nearly eliminates the upstream straight pipe run requirements for many types of equipment and instruments. They condition the flow stream into a regular flow regime to mimic adequate pipe straight run., 760-736-6114