Semiconductor Circuits (Atkinson, NH) has introduced the CPZ 30W, 1/32nd brick series of DC-DC converters. The product has a DOSA standard 32nd brick footprint that occupies 40% less area than a comparable 16th brick. The modules are ideal for space constrained distributed power and intermediate bus converter applications. Additional features include:
- A 2:1 input voltage range of 36 – 75VDC.
- Output voltages of 1.8V @ 12A, 3.3V @ 8A, 5.0V @ 5A & 12V @ 2.5A are standard, with other voltages available upon request.
- Full output power @ 75C & 200lfm of airflow.
- Meets EN 60950 basic insulation requirements & provides 1500VDC input to output isolation.
- Compliance with the typical industry requirements including no load operation and pre-biased load startup.
- Fixed-frequency operation.
- Auto-restart OVP, OCP & OTP protections.
- Remote sense.
- +10/-20% output voltage trim using industry standard equations.
- Remote ON/OFF is standard with positive or negative logic options available.
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