The Renegade Model TMB 8150 STRETCH Automatic Top Load Parts Washer from Service Line Inc. (Reedsburg, WI) is nearly twice as wide as the standard TMB 8100 model (82-1/2 vs 55 inches), for a wider wash zone, and features Dual 5 HP Heavy Duty Wash Cycle Pumps and 170 Gallon Sump Capacity.
Renegade aqueous parts washers clean without solvents to lower environmental impact, increase automation and reduce labor costs for automotive, aviation, engine, industrial, machine shop and remanufacturing operations. Renegade Automatic Top Load Cabinet Parts Washers operate with a durable Gear-Driven Spray Manifold to deliver high pressure force and high temperature cleaning to maintain consistent product quality. Cabinet parts washers are ideal for batch cleaning parts or components and allow the operator full easy access to the wash zone.; 800-774-7900